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Leadership Transition

Ewasco Leadership Transition

Our Elwasco team, led by acting Board Chair Madam Maryam and current acting CEO Maalim Issack, graced the handover occasion of our outgoing CEO, HE Ambassador Suleiman Roba. During the ceremony, Ambassador Suleiman officially handed over the mantle to Maalim Issack. Ambassador Suleiman was appointed by HE President William Ruto as Deputy Head of Mission to Kampala, Uganda. His tenure as CEO at Elwasco has been transformative, guiding the company from its early stages to its present success. He will be remembered for his tireless efforts in delivering top-notch services, transforming the company, and ensuring uninterrupted fresh water supply for the residents of Elwak, Borehole Eleven, and Wargadud. Ambassador Suleiman's leadership has instilled wisdom and a strong sense of commitment in all of us. We are dedicated to upholding the standards he set and continuing to deliver the best for our communities. At Elwasco, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to Ambassador Suleiman for his exemplary work and wish him all the very best in his new diplomatic role. We remain committed to his vision and will continue to build on the foundation he established to serve our people with excellence.


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